Thursday, December 31, 2009

The End

Wow, the end of 2009,the starting of 2010!

What i wanna say is actually, 2009... has been a really really long year to me.. lots of things, memorable things ,happened..there are times where i felt really like a useless,selfish,dumb and stupid brat that i only deserve to stay in hell.. aha, abit of hiperbola as you read on.. and there are the nicest time that will be appreciated untill I get some kinda parkinson or something? the decease where you could hardly control your mind or wat-so-ever.

So me, eve, li ai, casper and kenny the new friend went to Bintang to celebrate.(missed my family a lot as we usually will spend the new year counting the last several seconds together and my aunts will shout at the top of their lungs when the clock strikes 12.. those kinda squeekssss you know?? high pitched to death i thought i was gonna break my eardrum.every single beginning of the year, aint that feeling a bitch?? So anyway, yeah, we'll have this limau leaves in the bucket of water and everybody will use the water to wash up a bit,you know, to "buang sial".. bla bla)

Count down on the last 30 seconds.. and looking at the fire crackers flying to the sky.. so beautiful.. yet, sad.. bodoh punya emo kid kan for such a day? aha, I admit it! blurr~

I dont know how to express my feelings here bah so i'll just leave it.:P Anyway, wish everybody a great year waiting ahead and god bless.Amen.


Monday, November 23, 2009


Pic of me and eve with the unifoms

Oh MY HOLY LORD!!! Im WORKING!! Guess im a bit too late for this. But anyway,yeah. Im working at Marriot for the 4th day now.Tada~:D

The plan was all in a mess actually. Wanted to do internship for a month at Marriot HOtel miri right after exam, which is on the 16th NOv, and continue on with our summer course in JAnuary and Feb, then wait for class to start.. Well, only plan.

Things turned out to be a disaster.The first day for summer enrollment had already made our days miserable. People jut come cut the quee till we couldnt even get any closer to the registration counter.WE WENT THERE FIRST. And people got their space, BUT NOT US!! For christ sake. DO you see any ethics and human rights here?? We went to tell the head of department,MIss Ng, but unfortunately she couldnt help but told us to wait. HA.HA. We turned out to be in the waiting list. BRAVO! *swEAR to hell*(which i think we'll never make it for summer, considering the fact that i had to do another extra unit is killing me!)

First plan. RUINED.

Second Plan. AlMOST Screwed when MDM Rita, the manager for human resource kept postponing her replies about our internship thing. HUH. We waited worriedly for almost two weeks, slightly gave up the whole plan when she finally called. Phoo~ Thank god. So here we are. Working at the Miri Marriot Resort and Spa.OH btw, the 'we' are Li Ai, Eve, Wai Kiat and myself. OOps.

So yeah. We were split to 2 person at front office and 2 person at F&B. Hell man the first day was soooo boring!! Im at the front office. So what I need to do is learn hw to pick up calls, do some printing and photocopying, tats all.On my first day.I spent the rest of the day staring at the computer screen, doing nothing. Cannot touch anything. HOly Crap.Pity eve and Ai coz they had to clean up plates and do cleaning up as soon as they reach F&B. And wai kiat had to cover up the bellman. So basically, he had to carry luggages the whole day. WHEN THE PURPOSE OF OUT INTERNSHIP IS TO LEARN SOMETHING.DONT THEY UNDERTAND???!!

Luckily the crew there was kinda friendly. So we dont really realy got offended.

Second day and Third day was still ok. I did pick up calls and do some paper works. Quite Fun~ so im still looking forward for my days working in MArriot:)

One Concern. SHould I go back for christmas and new year? Or should I not? I know dad is gonna be dissapointed if i wasnt there. BUt I want to work too.BUt im afraid that if i stay, i wouldnt learn anything more than the usual days working. Too many buts. HOW OH??!!!


Saturday, November 14, 2009


Got too bored with BIS and took a quick shot, bla~
Feel like punching this face?
Do it of you daRE, im waiting for someone to come and let me BELASAH voluntararily *winks*

I SWEAR to god that we're really really gonna have a celebratory party tomorrow.YESH tomorrow!! Finally final's over! NOt to mention that Eve and I have been slacking, blogging and playing around this few days after economics on Friday, and we're still having our final paper TOMORROW(oh btw, Eve has been sleeping over,which we truthfully hope we could motivate each other to study.Unfortunately and eventually...*heavy sigh*).So yeah, 8.30 am, for Christ sake! And I'm not even a bit prepared yet.

I want to start studying. Not only to get pass(yeah yeah I've been saying that my whole life when i usually just got over the border line, oops~). But hell man I'm stuck with a novel i just got yesterday, "How to sleep with a movie star", by Kristin Harmel.

I just loved the way the author described the world of celebrities and the hypocrites. They just couldn't live without badmouthing and spreading false rumors around, just because of their idiotic but professional jealousy. You know, the usual cat fights. And the bullshit sex addict guy's nature.(HOOhoo~ no offense guys, its just a way for ladies to express their disapproval on guys, sometimes.)OK, i know I'm not helping in the stories, but yeah, its a summary anyway. OKAY. ENOUGH.

I don't even know what I'm talking about right now. I've gotta get back to studies.IF I COULD. ugh.

That's all for now. God bless me in my exam tomorrow~


Monday, October 12, 2009

싶게 돌릴 수 없다면 시간

보고 싶다..

나는 우리 양..

그럴 때 우리는 장난..

실수하는 모든 것을 망쳐!

나는 다만, 난을 받아 마땅합니다 :'(

보고 싶다..