Thursday, December 31, 2009

The End

Wow, the end of 2009,the starting of 2010!

What i wanna say is actually, 2009... has been a really really long year to me.. lots of things, memorable things ,happened..there are times where i felt really like a useless,selfish,dumb and stupid brat that i only deserve to stay in hell.. aha, abit of hiperbola as you read on.. and there are the nicest time that will be appreciated untill I get some kinda parkinson or something? the decease where you could hardly control your mind or wat-so-ever.

So me, eve, li ai, casper and kenny the new friend went to Bintang to celebrate.(missed my family a lot as we usually will spend the new year counting the last several seconds together and my aunts will shout at the top of their lungs when the clock strikes 12.. those kinda squeekssss you know?? high pitched to death i thought i was gonna break my eardrum.every single beginning of the year, aint that feeling a bitch?? So anyway, yeah, we'll have this limau leaves in the bucket of water and everybody will use the water to wash up a bit,you know, to "buang sial".. bla bla)

Count down on the last 30 seconds.. and looking at the fire crackers flying to the sky.. so beautiful.. yet, sad.. bodoh punya emo kid kan for such a day? aha, I admit it! blurr~

I dont know how to express my feelings here bah so i'll just leave it.:P Anyway, wish everybody a great year waiting ahead and god bless.Amen.
