Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fear No More

Just had a good chat with Dad over tea break. I thought I'm a real grown up, since "i thought" I've gone through lots of ups and down during my years of growing up..yet, I'm just another crying baby when I start a conversation with my dad.

"Growing up is a challenge. There are always fears when we're facing a challenge. Often you keep pushing yourself, but the anxiety you experience leaves you depleted and feeling helpless at times. You will feel like running as fast as you can to the nearest exit". He said.

Which I thought, again, was very true. Often, I would find excuses to not do something that I'm not confident with, instead of facing it and learn from mistakes. And well, surely i guess, most people does.

I always have problems with:
1. Self confidence
2. Self improvement
3. DETERMINATION! ( which I had been thinking of making a tattoo on my body, oh well)

that i need to really overcome.

See, i just love my dad. He pisses me off whenever he starts raising his voice when I do mistake in something, i get annoyed and retort, thinking he's just being unfair.But somehow, its just something that I'm not good and really need to listen up and fix the problem. It end up being an ugly scar tattoo- ed right inside my heart. I learn.

I don't say I love him because of the scoldings and I learn something after having a fight with him. Of course other than he's my dad, he always make me have an after thought of the things he said. Like now, its almost midnight, but I'm still thinking of the advices he gave during tea breaks. Hmm. Inspirational. And useful.

He was the only one who could really inspire me about lifetime lesson.

Thanks Dad. Sorry for being such a spoilt brat at home>.<